The Overall Benefits of a Masticating Juicer

The Overall Benefits of a Masticating Juicer

If you currently contemplate the purchase of a juicer, you’ll have numerous possibilities available to you. You’ll need to choose between centrifugal and masticating, which may very well be your biggest dilemma. To help you make a more informed decision, you will be able to find some of the benefits of the masticating juicer below.

Maintains More Nutrients

The overall operation of the masticating juicer works at a slow pace and produces much less heat. In this regard, the juicer is capable of maintaining more nutrients in the juice. This way accomplished, due to less oxidation and less heat. Since heat can destroy some nutrients, the masticating juicer is capable of ensuring that more make it to your cup!

No Ear Damage

With mastication, you can almost guarantee that the device will operate, with microscopic noise. Because of the slow pace of the machine. Slow and steady wins the race and won’t force you to wear earplugs.

Usually Much Safer

Although this one depends on the particular model that you purchase, masticating juicers tend to be safer in general. That’s a fact because these models normally do not have any sharp edges for cutting. The centrifugal juicers are notorious for their sharp cutting edges and will do much more damage. Therefore, the masticating versions are easier and safer to clean!

Capable of Handling Nuts

If you’re interest in making almond milk or peanut butter, you’re going to need a masticating juicer. The centrifugal does not have what it takes to grind up these edibles! For nuts, masticating is the way to go!

Longer Lifespan and Warranty

Since these models don’t heat up, it is entirely possible for them to last a significantly longer period. At the same time, you shouldn’t be surprised to find models, which have warranties from 10 to 15 years in length. That is much longer than the centrifugal, which is lucky to have a year or two.


At the end of the day, your particular needs, budget and the edibles that you’re going to be using will all play a role in your decision. However, there is no doubt that masticating juicers can be very beneficial and hold some benefits over the other models. Be sure to take all of these benefits into mind, before making your purchase.

Read more about Juicers by Clicking here!

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